The nearest airport in Yiwu

Closest airports
Yiwu airport is local airport
YIW / ZSYW) Rating: 73% 0 km
Hangzhou airport
(HGH / ZSHC) Rating: 73%106 km
Quzhou airport
(JUZ / ZSJU) Rating: 48%118 km
Ningbo airport
(NGB / ZSNB) Rating: 66%149 km
Huangyan airport
(HYN / ZSLQ) Rating: 67%162 km
Huangshan City airport
(TXN / ZSTX) Rating: 54%177 km
Wenzhou airport
(WNZ / ZSWZ) Rating: 69%178 km
Shangrao airport
(SQD / ZSSR)227 km
Zhoushan airport
(HSN / ZSZS) Rating: 66%235 km
Shanghai airport
(SHA / ZSSS) Rating: 78%241 km
Wuxi airport
(WUX / ZSWX) Rating: 71%242 km
Yiwu airport Arrivals: yiwu-airport-yiwu-arrivals
yiwu to shanghai pudong airport train:
Their range is 280 km (174 mi), and travel by Shanghai– Yiwu high speed train is the very best option. The journey takes 1.5 – 2.5 hours and a 2nd class seat expenses CNY123. Shanghai Pudong Airport has direct buses to Yiwu, taking 4.5 hours and costing CNY180. There are likewise buses ranging from Shanghai Intercity Bus Terminal or South Long-distance Bus Station to Yiwu, taking 3.5-4 hours and costing around CNY100. Reaching Yiwu by either train or coach, one can then go to the International Trade City easily by bus or taxi.